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For an amazing collection of gay stories, we recommend the Nifty Archives.

Online novel

The Pulling Moon by Heidi Wyss - Completed in 2003. 96,000 words of relentlessly puritan, existential lesbian separatist literature with gothic, techno and extopian elements set 7000 years into a scientifically plausible future (and an extraordinary soap opera). Nominated for the Gaylactic Spectrum Awards Novel of the Year. Click to read the entire novel online for free. 

Books brought to our attention:

"Onlogiese Liefde"  by Dina Joubert
About the religious angst of an Afrikaans SA mom with gay son

Published November 99.
The book lists the gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender publications world wide. For more details check THE QUEER PRESS GUIDE 2000

"SWEET EBONY BLUES: Pretend You Can't Remember Her"
A book of suspense, mystery & thriller with a taste of humor.

A History and Dictionary of Gay Language in South Africa

Ken Cage
in collaboration with Moyra Evans
More detail

"Ayn Rand, Homosexuality, and Human Liberation"
Chris Matthew Sciabarra explores Ayn Rand's impact on the sexual attitudes of self-identified Objectivists in the movement to which she gave birth and the gay subcultures that she would have disowned.
More detail


  Related Links The Largest on-line bookstore
Nifty Archives Huge collection of on-line gay stories go!
Leighton Books Books for gay youth coming out go!
Blithe House More gay short story fiction go!
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The only way to get rid of cockroaches is to tell them you want a long-term relationship. (Jasmine Birtles)