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  Issues & Advise


There is a good deal of alcoholism and addiction in the gay community, but newer studies suggest that the incidence among younger homosexuals may be no greater than in the population at large. This article suggests that gay liberation in the 1970's may have spared male homosexuals now under 30 some of the misunderstanding, discrimination and hatred that drove older homosexuals to drink and drugs. It also suggests that older homosexuals may abuse drink and drugs to dull the pain of aging in an especially youth-oriented, beauty-driven homosexual culture.This article discusses some of the treatment issues specific to homosexuals who abuse alcohol and drugs, and suggests the use of gay special-interest 12-Step groups to assist in treating internalized homophobia and in making some of the lifestyle changes beneficial to homosexuals in recovery .

Substance abuse is endemic in the homosexual communities the world  over. Although the etiology of abuse in any given individual can be complex, there are certain themes which are frequently seen in the gay or lesbian addict, and require specialized treatment in recovery. Awareness of these special risk factors increases the chances of successfully treating a lesbian or gay addict.

Gay-friendly Narcotics Anonymous Meeting
Every Friday night 7:30 - 9:00 pm.
Please phone for details:


etiology \E`ti*ol"o*gy\, n. The science 
of causes. 
Etiology - Gay Etiology of addiction in Homosexuals go!
Prevalence Statistics of addiction in Homosexuals go!
Treatment Treatment of alcohol and addiction go!
Conclusion Conclusion and references go!
  Related Links    
Aids.Org All you need to know about AIDS go!
Drugworld European charity, Turning Point, drug site
Aids Quilt The AIDS Quilt site in Washington DC, USA go!
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