www.eros.co.za is the Erotica section of this site. It was conceived to provide access to the highest quality images available on the Internet. The site has a superior feel and outlay, no more ugly garish banners and colours, just a tool to let you get what you came for - the hottest pics available. All content has been screened and chosen for the highest quality so that only the best images are available. The great thing about Eros is how easy we've made it for you to download and store the images for your own enjoyment.
Free membership to the 1stclubs! If you sign up for a 1 year membership to Eros, you get FREE membership to:
www.1stboysclub.co.za and
24 Hours Free! When you sign up, we will only process your credit card 24 hours later. Therefore, if you don't like what we offer, just reply to the confirmation email, asking us to remove your account!
Easy Membership!
When you join Eros, you have a choice of either a 3, 6 or 12 month membership period. The longer you join, the cheaper it gets!
Confidentiality Assured!
At Eros, we don't need unnecessary details. Just your credit card details will do. Your credit card will reflect a payment to web.Xperts, so there is no explaining to do either!
Three Separate Sections! Eros caters for all tastes by providing three separate galleries in one site. You can choose to view either Male Only, Female Only or Mixed pictures. But you don't have to stay in one gallery! Your membership allows you to pick any gallery to view!
New Pictures Daily!
Each day, Eros creates a ZIP file storing 10 images, one for each gallery! That's 3 ZIP files a day! Just click on the Daily Zip file button in each gallery (see the Preview page for more details). There is also a ZIP archive, so that if you miss a day, you can download the ZIP file later.
Online Viewing!
Each gallery also has pictures viewable online, which change every week. In the Male and Female Only galleries, there are 45 pictures in three sections. In the Mixed gallery, there are 30 pictures in two sections.
Never Miss Out!
We provide access to the archives for both the ZIP files and the weekly series. You can easily navigate back and forth between the weeks.
Support The South African Gay Internet!!!
To keep a site of this nature running, it takes a lot of money and no-one is just going to give that to us, are they? So support EROS and keep one of the world's greatest gay interest web-sites on-line!