Think about it. You want lots of people to know about you. People who are interested in your stuff...things you have to say, sell, or recommend. It is no secret that a presence on the WWW is fast becoming paramount. This is where we come in.
Not many websites can claim the amount of goodwill that we do. Our reader/visitors are a special group. They are primarily from the A/B income group, often having a higher than average disposable income. They are decision-makers, doctors, lawyers, programmers, travelers, in fact, specialists in a wide array of fields. Sexual orientation is not the only common factor - our reader base is a committed and loyal group of people, people who can benefit from knowing about YOU on the internet, people who you can benefit from by exposing your product or service to them on the Internet -- the movers and shakers. They buy and make use of everything on the Internet. They bank and do their stock and bond trading online. They are high earners and like nice cars, wine and other little luxuries. They are not afraid to use the Internet to buy things both large and small.
They also eat a lot of pizza from what we gather from the odd hours they keep (indicated by the time stamps on the e-mail and server logs). Ultimately, they are the people with influence judging by some of the mail we receive. They are often from corporate names you would recognize if we were to list them. These are the kinds of people who access our pages often and tell others about us. They may just be the kind of people you want to reach.
We are content providers . That means we don't sell anything. Instead, our focus is to provide relevant and important information to our readers who share in many respects a common interest. This also means that we don't eat unless someone "sponsors" our work. It is much like television and radio - although we hope we do a better job of being "on target" and relevant.
The other issue is that we are an Internet company. By the nature of the medium we are interactive...people don't visit unless they want to. So we have to stay on our toes. Judging by our growth it seems we are doing a good job. Which can also benefit you, our potential sponsors, because the more visitors we have the further your sponsorship goes.
Check out our pages and our rates. We are hard to beat if you are looking for a targeted audience. In addition, we will provide you with all the log data you need to determine the value of your sponsorship and to evaluate the effectiveness of your ad.
We appreciate the win-win relationship we have with our sponsors. They let us do what we are good at (provide content on an extremely popular site) and we give them opportunity for exposure. So far our select group of sponsors continue to support us. We hope you become one of them....
The Sponsors web kit menu below will lead you most efficiently through the information you need to start. If you have a question that you cannot find the answer to, simply send a message to Avi Miller and an answer will be speeding its way back to you.